City of Gainesville

Host An Event in Gainesville

Let's help you plan the perfect event. Learn how to host a special event in Gainesville. Learn what is considered a special event, when a permit is required, the cost of a permit and where you can host these events.

Here are the four different Special Event Application options to choose from:

  • Special Event Permit Application – this is our regular special event permit and cover most events.
  • Special Event Permit- UF Football Home Game Day Application – Use this application if you host your event on home game days. The event must be exactly the same each time.
  • Parking Only- UF Football Home Game Day Application– Use this application if you only sell parking for home games.
  • Seasonal Sales Application– Use this application for holiday trees, fireworks, and pumpkin patches.

To submit a Special Event Permit application, you will need to have an account with us. If you don't have an account, create an account now. if you have an account, please proceed to login.

Proceed to Application